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Akira Yukinaga

Race: Demon

Age: 18-1000

Height: 6'0''

Sexual Orientation: Straight



<= Demon Form 

Human Form => 

Skills: Extremely agile, quick swift movements, very strong and stealthy.


Human Form:     Akira is quite strong, and can handle himself in a fight. He is able to temporary stun his enemies by flashing his eyes red, channeling his demonic life source.

Demon Form:    In entering his demon form, Akira sprouts a pair of wings, giving him the ability to fly. Akira is able to use mind tricks to confuse the opponent such as creating hallucinations both visual and auditory. Akira is also a skilled fighter trained in many native techniques.

Personality Traits:     Wise, cunning, comedic, cynical, and apprehensive.

Story:     Akira was raised in a suburban neighborhood. He had a small family, as he was a only child. Both of his parents were demons. His father was murdered when he was at the age of 7 and ever since he had been on the road to avenge his father. His childhood was fairly standard for the community, as he studied to become an assassin. He learned many skills necessary to track and engage with just about anybody, and began his quest of vengeance. Akira was able to track his father's murderer, and without a second thought, he killed the perpetrator in cold blood. He now lives as a lone wanderer, traveling an desolate and seemingly endless path.

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